
Temptation vs. Self-control

Robert, a recovered alcoholic of three-months is invited to a friend’s birthday party. His wife of ten years doesn’t want Robert to go to a party where there is going to be alcohol but he goes anyway. Heavy drinking is going on and people are offering him drinks. Robert desperately wants to find reasons for having a beer. He wants a drink, he needs a drink, and the more he thinks about the rush it will give him the more justifiable it sounds. He rationalizes how one beer won’t hurt. Robert gives in and has a beer. An hour later he is drunk. He stumbles to his car and prepares to drive home. Robert never made it home. The crash killed him instantly.

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Higher Power: Alcoholics Anonymous Basics

Some of us have spent a lot of time puzzling over the question “What is a Higher Power?”

Sometimes we hear that it is, “Something.” Sometimes, the answer is that it is,”Somebody.” Sometimes the answer is “Anything that keeps me from drinking.” Many have said, “it” is a light bulb, a radiator, a chair, the Big Dipper, a rock, “Her,” a tree, the Big Dipper, Ralph, a rainbow, or “nothing at all.” I have personally read, heard, and recorded all of these strange characterizations. One compilation is in my book, God and Alcoholism. But whatever we hear, such answers have sounded pretty screwy to some of us. And they certainly are.

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Holiday Cheers

Psalms 119:117 KJV
Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually.

It’s almost here! That time of year when drinking and eating just about anything and everything you can is the rule rather than the exception. The risk for relapse is extremely high, it’s holiday season. Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Chanukah, Christmas, Chinese New Year and other ritualistic celebrations that seem to justify drinking in excess and using drugs for some people are coming. The holiday season is the perfect time to jeopardize your program if you are not careful.

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Bill Wilson’s Call on God for Help

Dr. William D. Silkworth advised Bill Wilson that Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, could cure Bill of his alcoholism. At the time of Bill Wilson’s third hospitalization in Towns Hospital, Bill had a discussion with his physician, Dr. William D. Silkworth, on the subject of the “Great Physician.” And Silkworth’s biographer Dale Mitchel wrote in Silkworth: The Little Doctor Who Loved Drunks:

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Making the Change from Compliance to Surrender

…the person who has achieved the positive frame of mind, has lost his tense, aggressive, demanding, conscience-ridden self, which feels isolated and at odds with world and has become a relaxed, natural and more realistic individual who can dwell in the world on a “live and let live basis”…surrender is an unconscious event, not willed[1]
The Act of Surrender in the Therapeutic Process by Harry M. Tiebout, M.D., The National Council of Alcoholism 1949

The Bible tells us in many different ways that we must surrender our old ways in our walk with God so we can have peace and happiness.

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Is Alcoholism Controlling Your Life?

It happens without warning. It creeps into your life and all of a sudden, you’re hooked. At first you’re the life of the party, and later you’re the drunk of the party. When you’re young, twenties and thirties, your body can handle all the booze, no problem. But mentally it impairs the way you view and feel the world around you.

Most of the time, alcoholics don’t know that alcohol has taken hold of their life. This is called the denial stage. Alcoholics feel if they can get up and go to work everyday, even though secretly they have an excruciating headache, they don’t have a problem.

But what keeps the alcoholic going throughout the workday is in knowing that after work, they’ll have those highballs or beers, which will in fact; make them feel like their old self again.

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