
How Can We Balance Recovery and Our Marriage?

Ask Angie: Hello friend in Christ…just wanted to tell you my husband and I have been having issues for a while now. He is in recovery and I am not (although I am not an addict) I need Alanon in my life but find it hard to arrange a ride (no car) and sitter for my 6 yr. old. My husband lives three houses away from our home. I try not to hassle him about time with us but he seems to need time with the AA family more and we really need him to show us emotionally he cares to keep the family together too. I understand he has to stay sober to be a dad/husband of any kind, but to me there is a huge vacancy in our life. I love him with all my heart. We need counseling terribly and church makes me so happy. I’m without a vehicle so life is kind of challenging now.

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Taking Step 4

When I was first told about making a searching and fearless moral inventory of myself I was filled with FEAR. And then to admit to God, to myself, and to another human being the exact nature of my wrongs — YIKES! Where to start??

Instead of starting with me, I think it starts with God and His Word. We need to hear, read and study scripture. By doing this we learn what God wants us to be–what His standards for us are. We must make ourselves available to God through meditation, prayer and by serving Him rather than our own needs, material desires, and lusts.

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A Love Story

    One day, I woke early in the morning to watch the sunrise.
    Ah! The beauty of God’s creation is beyond description!
    As I watched, I praised God for His beautiful work.
    As I sat there, I felt the Lord’s presence with me.

    He asked me,
    “Do you love me?”
    I answered,
    “Of course, God! You are my Lord and Saviour!”


    Then He asked,
    “If you were physically handicapped, would you still love me?”

    I was perplexed. I looked down upon my arms, legs and the rest
    of my body and wondered how many things I wouldn’t be able to do,
    the things that I took for granted.

    And I answered, “It would be tough Lord, but I would still love You.”


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Do You Worship a Thing?

The traditional symbol of the medical profession, the serpent on a pole, is commonly known as the staff of Asklepios. This was the name of a Greek physician of the eighth or ninth century BC. And it involved one of the most anomalous events in the Bible. Yet the roots of the serpent and pole symbol go back farther, to the Exodus from Egypt around 1200 BC. When the children of Israel were plagued with venomous snakes, Moses was instructed to “……. “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard (pole); and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, he will live (Num. 21:8, 9).”

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Steps to Peace with God

Step One
God’s Purpose: Peace and Life

Step 1

God loves you and wants you to experience peace and life–abundant and

The Bible says…

“We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16

“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more
abundantly.” John 10:10

Why don’t most people have this peace and abundant life that God planned
for us to have?

Step Two
The Problem: Our Separation

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