Christians in Recovery Knowledge Base article

Biblical Roots of the 12 Steps: Cured

By Terry D.       Part 1 | Part 2

Finally, my questions have been answered. For years now, I’ve been searching for
answers about the origins of Alcoholics Anonymous, and the 12 Step Fellowships.
At first, I pretty much knew from instinct, and from previously studying the Bible,
that A.A. and the 12 Steps were Christian-based ideals and principles. Recently, I’ve
had the great pleasure of meeting Dick B., who is considered the leading A.A. historian
of the world at this moment. Dick B. has written several books about the Biblical
roots of A.A. through intensive and thorough research. In all of his books, Dick B.

Biblical Roots of the 12 Steps: Cured Read More »

12 Steps of Adult Children of Alcoholics

1. In working the first step, when we “admitted we were powerless over the circumstances of our childhood–that our lives had become unmanageable,” we had at last found the courage to face the truth and tell it–we were practicing the principle of HONESTY.

2. In working the second step when we “came to trust that God, a Power greater than ourselves, would nurture, love and restore us to sanity,” we were practicing the principle of HOPE.

3. In working the third step when we “made a decision to begin a process of recovery and change, trusting in God as revealed in the Bible, to care for us and guide us in our journey,” we were practicing the principle of FAITH.

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Estas son las 12 Tradiciones de Christians in Recovery®

Cualquier persona que está en recuperación o que desea recuperase de las situaciones de la vida, problemas, adicciones y disfunciones es bienvenido. No hay diferencia alguna en cuál sea su área de recuperación — pesar, depresión, alcohol, drogas, comidas, relaciones, codepedendencia, estrés, pornografía, rompimiento sexual, problemas de la vida, etc. Es nuestra oración que como Cristianos en Recuperación podamos ayudarnos unos a otros en el proceso de la recuperación y en nuestro caminar como Cristianos, para así acercarnos a Dios, para que seamos más fuertes en El, y podamos ser nutridos por medio de la discusión de las escrituras Bíblicas.

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Voici les 12 Traditions de Christians in Recovery®

Toute personne étant en restauration ou qui désire retrouver une guérison face aux épreuves de la vie, problèmes, dépendances et dysfonctions est la bienvenue. Peu importe le problème concerné, si nous parlons de– chagrins, dépression, alcool, drogue, nourriture, relations, codépendance, stress, pornographie, brisures sexuelles, problèmes de vie, etc. Nous souhaitons à Chrétiens en Restauration pouvoir aider chacun à trouver une guérison profonde et fournir des points de reperes pour pouvoir soutenir notre marche en tant que chrétiens pour nous rapprocher de Dieu, devenir plus solide en Lui, et être nourri a partir de discussion de passages de l’Écriture.

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12 Traditions of Christians in Recovery®

Anyone who is in recovery or who desires to recover from life’s trials, problems, addictions and dysfunctions is welcome. It makes no difference what one’s recovery area is — grief, depression, alcohol, drugs, food, relationships, codependency, stress, pornography, sexual brokenness, life problems, etc. It is our prayer as Christians in Recovery that we can help each other in recovery and in our walk as Christians to come closer to God, to become stronger in Him, and to be nourished by discussion of Biblical scripture.

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12 Passos

Passo 1 – Admitimos que éramos impotentes perante o álcool que tínhamos perdido o domínio sobre as nossas vidas.

Passo 2 – Chegámos à conclusão que um Poder maior do que nós pode devolver-nos a saúde.

Passo 3 – Tomámos a decisão de devolver a nossa vontade e as nossas vidas ao cuidado de Deus tal como o conhecemos.

Passo 4 – Fizemos um minucioso e destemido inventário moral de nós mesmos.

Passo 5 – Admitimos diante de Deus, de nós próprios e dos outros a natureza exacta das nossas falhas.

Passo 6 – Prontificamo-nos inteiramente a deixar que Deus remova todos estes defeitos de carácter.

Passo 7 – Humildemente rogamos a Deus, que nos livre de todas as nossas imperfeições.

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Estos son los 12 Pasos

1. Admitimos que �ramos impotentes ante nuestras adicciones y disfunciones- que nuestras vidas hab�an llegado a ser inmanejables.

2. Venimos a creer que Dios, un Poder superior a nosotros mismos, pod�a restablecernos la cordura y la estabilidad.

3. Tomamos la decisi�n de tornar nuestra voluntad y nuestra vida al cuidado de Dios, como lo entend�amos.

4. Hicimos una b�squeda y sin temor, un inventario moral de nosotros mismos.

5. Admitimos ante Dios, ante nosotros mismos, y ante otro ser humano, la naturaleza exacta de nuestros males.

6. Estuvimos completamente dispuestos a dejar que Dios quitara todos nuestros defectos de car�cter.

7. Humildemente le pedimos a El que quite nuestros defectos.

Estos son los 12 Pasos Read More »

The 12 Steps of Christians in Recovery®

The 12 Steps are a suggestion and not a requirement for recovery or membership in Christians in Recovery. They have been the foundation for the recovery of thousands of people and most say that they never would have successfully recovered had they not followed them. Each person in their search for spiritual, emotional and mental wellness must decide how to work and apply these 12 Steps to their life. Honesty about your past as well as the present is essential.

  1. We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and dysfunctional- behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable.
  2. Came to believe that God, a Power greater than ourselves, could restore us to sanity and stability.

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