Remaining Happy in the Face of Adversity

Relationships are built on the quality of our conceitedness to God.

People can be so quick to judge. I sometimes am guilty of this. It is an issue that I struggle with. Maybe it is because I so badly need to affirm my fragile righteousness, I don’t know. What I do know is that Jesus wasn’t like that and I need to acquire this knowledge quickly.

Jesus is always gentle with anyone who seeks His help. That person might not receive the help neatly wrapped in a predictable way; that is in a way they perceive.

For instance, there was a leper, a social outcast, doomed to die of a progressive, disfiguring illness, who came to Jesus and said, “If you want to, you can heal me.” Jesus, the Bible records, touched the flesh of this diseased man and said, “I want to. Be whole.” Matthew 8:1-3. There was no previously conceived notion of just how Jesus would do this.

The Israelites considered their existence in the dessert as boring. Each succeeding day was looked at as “Is this all there is?” and “We had more while were captive in Egypt.” “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst?” Exodus 17:3. They began to remember Egypt as a land where they had at least had enough to drink and eat. And so they complained. This was not the last time the people of Israel looked back to Egypt when they were in hard times. It was a pattern that continued for many years. Read Exodus 16:1-2. The probability that behavior addictions were rampant with the Israelites was mentioned as “coming into the wilderness of sin”.

The recovery process is much like this. “Many will say, while I was abusing, addicted and my behavior was very questionable, I had moments of great pleasure,” which was much like the Israelites, does this sound like a sustaining, joyous or happy lifestyle?

Luke 10:17-24. All our victories over Satan come from Jesus Christ. But beware of spiritual pride. He has resisted the proud, and given grace to the humble. The more dependent we become on the teaching, help, and blessing of the Son of God, the more we shall know our Heavenly Father.

Rick Warren’s 12 part series on How To Enjoy The Rest of Your Life, gives us a practical way to adopt a life of Joy. The articles and sermons are free and I have included the website for your review.

Please let me know how your journey progresses. The day I joined Christians in Recovery® was the most rewarding day in my life. Thank you Andy from Yuma Arizona; thank you Clara T; thank you Obie and my blessings to all of you who I have talked with since joining CIR.